222 research outputs found

    KUINKA AVUSTAN LÄHEISTÄNI? : Toiminnallinen iltapäivä omaishoitajille ergonomisesta työskentelystä

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    Opinnäytetyön tilaaja oli Kokkolan vanhuspalvelut. Kotihoidon työntekijät olivat huomanneet puutteita omaishoitajien työergonomiassa ja tuoneet esiin tarpeen järjestää heille aiheesta koulutusta. Omaishoito ja omaishoitajien jaksaminen on ajankohtainen asia. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin projektina yhteistyössä Kokkolan vanhuspalveluiden ja SenioriKaste-hankkeen kanssa. Projektin tarkoituksena oli järjestää Kokkolan seudun omaishoitajille toiminnallinen iltapäivä ergonomisesta työskentelystä. Projektin tavoitteena oli vähentää omaishoitajien työn kuormittavuutta opettamalla heitä hyödyntämään oman kehon painopisteitä ja luonnollisia liikeratoja avustamis- ja hoitotoimenpiteissä. Projekti sisälsi toiminnallisten iltapäivien suunnittelun, toteutuksen ja kirjallisen osuuden. Tietoperustassa käsittelimme omaishoitoa ja ergonomiaa. Projektin suunnittelu-osiossa selvitimme myös ohjausmenetelmiä omaishoitajille. Toiminnallisia iltapäiviä järjestettiin kolme samanlaista kevään 2016 aikana Kokkolassa, kaksi suomenkielistä ja yksi ruotsinkielinen. Omaishoitajat kutsuttiin tilaisuuteen kirjeillä. Toiminnalliset iltapäivät rakentuivat luennosta, apuväline-esittelystä ja käytännön harjoitteista. Luennoitsijoina toimivat alan asiantuntijat. Lopuksi omaishoitajat vastasivat palautekyselyyn. Omaishoitajilla ei ollut ennestään tietoa perusergonomiasta. Apuvälineiden tuntemuksessa oli myös puutteita. Saamamme palautteen perusteella omaishoitajat kokivat toiminnallisen iltapäivän hyödyllisenä. Se antoi heille perustietoa ergonomiasta ja toimintamalleja käytännön harjoitteiden avulla. Omaishoitajat saivat tiedon lisäksi myös vertaistukea. SenioriKaste-hankkeen asiantuntijat kokivat toiminnallisten iltapäivien järjestämisen tärkeäksi myös tulevaisuudessa.The subscriber for this thesis was the Elderly Care of Kokkola. The workers of the Home Care Unit had noticed lacking skills in work ergonomics of the caregivers and had brought up the need for training. Coping with workload is a current issue among caregivers. The thesis was executed in co-operation with the Elderly Care of Kokkola and the SenioriKaste project. The purpose of the project was to organize a functional afternoon for the caregivers of Kokkola region regarding ergonomic ways of working. The aim of the project was to reduce workload of the caregivers by educating them how to utilize natural trajectories of their body when assisting and giving treatment. The project included planning and executing the functional afternoon as well as the written part. In the knowledge base we covered care and ergonomics. In the planning part we explained training methods for carers. During the spring of 2016 we organized three similar functional afternoons, out of which 2 were conducted in Finnish and one in Swedish. Carers were invited by letters. The functional afternoon consisted of: lecture, presentation of technical aids and practical exercises. As lecturers we had professionals in the field. As an ending the carers answered a feedback questionnaire. The carers had no previous knowledge regarding basic ergonomic working methods. There was also lack of knowledge regarding technical aids. According to the feedback the carers experienced the afternoon to be useful. It gave them basic information regarding ergonomics and procedures through practical exercises. In addition to information the carers also received peer support from other participants. The experts from the SenioriKaste project also supported organizing similar days in the future

    Crystal structure analyses facilitate understanding of synthesis protocols in the preparation of 6,6′-dibromo-substituted BINOL compounds

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    A combination of crystallographic and spectroscopic techniques has been used in order to address thorough purification protocols for a series of atropisomeric 1,1′-binaphthalene-2,2′-diol (BINOL) derivatives to be used as building blocks for chiral nanoscale constructs

    Replacement of the Cobalt Center of Vitamin B 12 by Nickel: Nibalamin and Nibyric Acid Prepared from Metal‐Free B 12 Ligands Hydrogenobalamin and Hydrogenobyric Acid

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    The (formal) replacement of Co in cobalamin (Cbl) by NiII generates nibalamin (Nibl), a new transition‐metal analogue of vitamin B12. Described here is Nibl, synthesized by incorporation of a NiII ion into the metal‐free B12 ligand hydrogenobalamin (Hbl), itself prepared from hydrogenobyric acid (Hby). The related NiII corrin nibyric acid (Niby) was similarly synthesized from Hby, the metal‐free cobyric acid ligand. The solution structures of Hbl, and Niby and Nibl, were characterized by spectroscopic studies. Hbl features two inner protons bound at N2 and N4 of the corrin ligand, as discovered in Hby. X‐ray analysis of Niby shows the structural adaptation of the corrin ligand to NiII ions and the coordination behavior of NiII. The diamagnetic Niby and Nibl, and corresponding isoelectronic CoI corrins, were deduced to be isostructural. Nibl is a structural mimic of four‐coordinate base‐off Cbls, as verified by its ability to act as a strong inhibitor of bacterial adenosyltransferase

    Synthesis and Crystal Structures of New 5,5'-Azotetrazolates

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    Five new 5,5'-azotetrazolate salts (amminsilver, trimethylsulfonium, tetramethyl-phosphonium, trimethylsulfoxonium, 2-(hydroxyethyl)trimethylammonium) were prepared and characterized. The crystal structures were determined by X-ray diffraction. Interactions between the ions are identified and discussed. The sensitivities of the highly energetic silver salt were measured by BAM (Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und-prüfung) methods

    A New Porphyrin for the Preparation of Functionalized Water-Soluble Gold Nanoparticles with Low Intrinsic Toxicity

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    Altres ajuts: T.P. thanks the Generalitat de Catalunya for the AGAUR FI-DGR 2011 predoctoral grant.A potential new photosensitizer based on a dissymmetric porphyrin derivative bearing a thiol group was synthesized. 5-[4-(11-Mercaptoundecyloxy)-phenyl-10,15,20-triphenylporphyrin (PR-SH) was used to functionalize gold nanoparticles in order to obtain a potential drug delivery system. Water-soluble multifunctional gold nanoparticles GNP-PR/PEG were prepared using the Brust-Schiffrin methodology, by immobilization of both a thiolated polyethylene glycol (PEG) and the porphyrin thiol compound (PR-SH). The nanoparticles were fully characterized by transmission electron microscopy and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, UV/Vis absorption spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Furthermore, the ability of GNP-PR/PEGs to induce singlet oxygen production was analyzed to demonstrate the activity of the photosensitizer. Cytotoxicity experiments showed the nanoparticles are nontoxic. Finally, cellular uptake experiments demonstrated that the functionalized gold nanoparticles are internalized. Therefore, this colloid can be considered to be a novel nanosystem that could potentially be suitable as an intracellular drug delivery system of photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy

    A New Porphyrin for the Preparation of Functionalized Water-Soluble Gold Nanoparticles with Low Intrinsic Toxicity

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    A potential new photosensitizer based on a dissymmetric porphyrin derivative bearing a thiol group was synthesized. 5-[4-(11-Mercaptoundecyloxy)-phenyl-10,15,20-triphenylporphyrin (PR-SH) was used to functionalize gold nanoparticles in order to obtain a potential drug delivery system. Water-soluble multifunctional gold nanoparticles GNP-PR/PEG were prepared using the Brust-Schiffrin methodology, by immobilization of both a thiolated polyethylene glycol (PEG) and the porphyrin thiol compound (PR-SH). The nanoparticles were fully characterized by transmission electron microscopy and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, UV/Vis absorption spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Furthermore, the ability of GNP-PR/PEGs to induce singlet oxygen production was analyzed to demonstrate the activity of the photosensitizer. Cytotoxicity experiments showed the nanoparticles are nontoxic. Finally, cellular uptake experiments demonstrated that the functionalized gold nanoparticles are internalized. Therefore, this colloid can be considered to be a novel nanosystem that could potentially be suitable as an intracellular drug delivery system of photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy. Keywords: drug delivery, gold nanoparticles, photodynamic therapy, photosensitizers, porphyrin

    Total Synthesis, Structure, and Biological Activity of Adenosylrhodibalamin, the Non-Natural Rhodium Homologue of Coenzyme B12.

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    B12 is unique among the vitamins as it is biosynthesized only by certain prokaryotes. The complexity of its synthesis relates to its distinctive cobalt corrin structure, which is essential for B12 biochemistry and renders coenzyme B12 (AdoCbl) so intriguingly suitable for enzymatic radical reactions. However, why is cobalt so fit for its role in B12‐dependent enzymes? To address this question, we considered the substitution of cobalt in AdoCbl with rhodium to generate the rhodium analogue 5′‐deoxy‐5′‐adenosylrhodibalamin (AdoRbl). AdoRbl was prepared by de novo total synthesis involving both biological and chemical steps. AdoRbl was found to be inactive in vivo in microbial bioassays for methionine synthase and acted as an in vitro inhibitor of an AdoCbl‐dependent diol dehydratase. Solution NMR studies of AdoRbl revealed a structure similar to that of AdoCbl. However, the crystal structure of AdoRbl revealed a conspicuously better fit of the corrin ligand for RhIII than for CoIII, challenging the current views concerning the evolution of corrins

    Redox-Rich Metallocene Tetrazene Complexes: Synthesis, Structure, Electrochemistry, and Catalysis

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    Thermal or photochemical metal-centered cycloaddition reactions of azidocobaltocenium hexafluoridophosphate or azidoferrocene with (cyclooctadiene)(cyclopentadienyl)cobalt- (I) afforded the first metallocenyl-substituted tetrazene cyclopentadienyl cobalt complexes together with azocobaltocenium or azoferrocene as side products. The trimetallic CpCo compounds are highly conjugated, colored, and redox-active metallo-aromatic compounds, as shown by their spectroscopic, structural, and electrochemical properties. The CpCo-tetrazenido complex with two terminally appended cobaltocene units catalyzes electrochemical proton reduction from acetic acid at a mild overpotential (0.35 V). Replacing cobaltocene with ferrocene moieties rendered the complex inactive toward catalysis.Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Christian Doppler Association (Austrian Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs, the National Foundation for Research, Technology and Development), OMV, Marie Skłodowska-Curie, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaf

    Coexistence of ferro- and antiferromagnetic interactions in a metal–organic radical-based (6,3)-helical network with large channels

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    A metal–organic open-framework with an unprecedented (6,3)-helical topology, large channels and mixed ferro- and antiferromagnetic interactions has been synthesized using a three-connecting tricarboxylic polychlorotriphenylmethyl radical and Co(II) ions.Lloret Pastor, Francisco, [email protected]

    Solvent‐Driven Supramolecular Wrapping of Self‐Assembled Structures

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    Self‐assembly relies on the ability of smaller and discrete entities to spontaneously arrange into more organized systems by means of the structure‐encoded information. Herein, we show that the design of the media can play a role even more important than the chemical design. The media not only determines the self‐assembly pathway at a single‐component level, but in a very narrow solvent composition, a supramolecular homo‐aggregate can be non‐covalently wrapped by a second component that possesses a different crystal lattice. Such a process has been followed in real time by confocal microscopy thanks to the different emission colors of the aggregates formed by two isolated PtII complexes. This coating is reversible and controlled by the media composition. Single‐crystal X‐ray diffraction and molecular simulations based on coarse‐grained (CG) models allowed the understanding of the properties displayed by the different aggregates. Such findings could result in a new method to construct hierarchical supramolecular structures